Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kid's Snack- Jello Slices

This is a neat little twist on jello that my daughter LOVES, and is also super easy.

Start with your favorite jello flavor, and a few oranges.  At snack time the day before you plan on serving the jello slices, cut the oranges in half and scoop the orange out with a spoon, leaving  the peel in tact-you can even leave a few chunks of orange in them.  Make up the box of jello, and instead of pouring the liquid into serving dishes, pour them in the hollowed, half-orange peels, and cool.  After a day, take them out of the fridge and slice them up.

For a fun little twist, use lime peels and pink,watermelon jello.  Then, when you slice and serve the treat, it looks like little tiny slices of watermelon.

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