Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clean Your Room!

Why is it that a child will argue with you for hours about cleaning their room, instead of just cleaning it and being done with it?  I have yet to figure out how to get Alex to clean her room.  We have been arguing about it all day, and she has still yet to clean it.  I have tried it all.   I have taken some of her toys that were not cleaned up last time, I have taken away her snack time that we have every day after dinner.  I have taken away her Nintendo and her VCR.  And she refuses to clean her toys! I'm at such a loss!

1 comment:

  1. When Leila was Alex's age it seemed like Shannon would ALWAYS plan on Leila having to clean her room while I was there. Leila was a BEAR about it sometimes. I would turn on some music and make it a game. I would say "How fast can you pick up and put away all the blue things on the floor" , then pink then green, so on and so forth. OR I would say "Quick! Just pick up all the clothes" then when that was done I'd get her to pick up all the barbies. Separating the task into categories like that seemed to always help. I would time her with my cell phone and see if she could beat the time.

    These things always seemed to motivate her and put her into a good mood because we were playing a game at that point.
