Step One: Ears
First, right above the eye brows, paint two triangular-shaped black outlines. Fill each in with white face paint, using the eyebrow as a bottom line. After the white paint dries, use a light pink paint and make two, filled-in, smaller triangles. They represent the inside of the cat ear.
Step Two: Nose
Paint the entire nose white. Once it dries, paint only the tip of the nose light pink. Then, take black paint and make a line across the nostrils.
Step Three: Mouth
First, paint the area between the top lip and nose white, extending slightly beyond the corners of the mouth. Then, paint two small circles on the cheeks, for a little touch of cuteness. With black paint, make a small line down the septum all the way to the top of the lip, thickening it at the bottom.
Step Four: Whiskers
This one is easy. Make three black lines extending from the center of the white paint outwards. Add a few little black spots around the base of the whiskers.
There. you're done and you have an adorable little kitty
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