Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Proud Momma's Birth Story

August 5, 2014
I had been experiencing prodromal labor for days, and it was miserable.  The contractions weren't too bad, but they were enough to keep me from sleeping.  Add on the fact that I was nesting(like CRAZY), and I was simply exhausted.  I had my OB appointment later that day, so I was trying to take some time and just relax.
Fast forward to the appointment.  I was 4 cm dilated.  My OB told me that I should expect labor to start "any minute" and to come to labor and delivery when I was ready.  We had discussed how I wanted to labor at home as long as possible to increase my chances of VBAC(vaginal birth after cesarean).  Being at home, expecting moms are more comfortable,and have more freedom of movement, which helps labor progress.
We head home, and I almost immediately start experiencing horrible cramps in my uterus.  It was enough to stop me from doing what I was doing, but definitely not enough to go to the hospital.  I kind of shrugged the pains off as more prodromal labor and went about my day.  I cleaned the house, went for a walk with my daughter, who is 7 now, and took a trip to Walmart to pick up a few things.
While we were shopping, the contractions were hurting more and more, and a few times it popped in my head that they were REAL contractions.  But for some reason, I kept telling myself not to get too excited because of the week of contractions that I already had, even though I was 40 weeks to the day.
We stopped at Popeye's on the way home, and I laid in bed and ate my cajun fries and biscuits, still convinced that I was in prodromal labor.  Contractions were about 5 minutes apart.
I was up almost all night, dozing off just in time for another contraction to hit, waking me up again.

August 6, 2014
Finally at about 2:30am, I decided that not only was this real labor, but it was real strong labor.  The contractions were so strong that I couldn't control vocalizing through them, but thankfully, for now, I was able to control my volume.  I didn't want to wake up my daughter, Paul, or my sister, who was there to watch my daughter when I went into labor.
I paced my hallway for hours, making the occasional trip outside for fresh air.  Contractions were still 5 minutes apart, but were getting stronger and stronger.  I kept telling myself  "Relax your body and mind."  I had to imagine each contraction as a wave, and each wave was helping my body prepare for birth,  I had to imagine myself riding each wave, and try to feel my body opening up; imagine my son dropping into place.
At 3:00am, my vocalizations, which were now completely uncontrollable, were enough to wake up Paul.  He came out of the bedroom calmly to make sure that I was ok.  I remember it like it just happened.  I was in the middle of a contraction, leaning against the wall slightly crouched down when he came out.  He walked to me, put his hand on my back, and talked to me in the most comforting voice that I had ever heard.  I don't even know what he said, but it was the most comforting thing that I had ever heard.  And when the contraction was over, he declared that it was time to go to the hospital.  I left that decision up to him, as to when we left, because I knew that I would want to go as soon as real contractions started.  But I knew that he could read me enough to decide when to leave.
I woke up my sister while he got dressed.  Then, I had to wake up my daughter, because she begged me the week before to wake her up if I left for the hospital at night.  She smiled so sweetly after I told her that I was leaving, before falling back asleep.
By now, it was 4:00 am, and we were on our way to the hospital.  I was attempting to call my "birthing team" between contractions, which I almost immediately decided was too difficult.  So I had Paul do the calling while I suffered through contractions.  They had become even MORE painful in the car because I was unable to meditate through the pain-too much was going on.
We get to the hospital, and make it up to labor and delivery.  Jesyka got there almost immediately, and with the help of her and Paul, I was able to get back into what I called my comfort bubble, where I was able to relax my entire body through each contraction, which were now 3 1/2 minutes apart and lasting around a minute each.
Lauren was going to be a little while before she got there, because she was scheduled to work, and she was going to finish her work quickly and leave early.  They were short staffed, partially due to me being on leave, so I understood.  She kept texting us through, getting updates and keeping us informed on how much longer she thought she would be,
At about 8:30am, contractions kept getting stronger, and more difficult to meditate through.  I had been at 6 cm from the time I got there, and knew that it would be difficult to progress if I couldn't relax.  So, I decided to try a few different positions to see if they would help relieve the pain.  It was difficult to move around too much.  Due to a previous c-section, I had to be hooked up to a machine that monitored the baby, which was attached to me with a belt around my giant belly.  I also had an IV of fluids.  Now, anyone who is reading this and possibly preparing for a VBAC themselves, you can normally opt out of constant fetal monitoring to have more of a range of movement.  But, due to my previous child, who got stuck in the birth canal and was having serious fetal distress, I chose to be monitored.
I first tried laying on my left side.  As soon as the next contractions started, I realized that it was a terrible idea.  I rolled to my right side, which had the same result.  So, I let myself get back into my comfort bubble for a few contractions before attempting sitting up.  Sitting up was probably the biggest mistake that I could have made.  As soon as I got to the sitting position, a contraction hit.  I begged Paul and Jesyka to help lower me back to laying down, but my IV tube got caught on something and I could not lay down.  I started panicking.  I was in the worst pain that I had ever experienced, and I felt like I couldn't move because I didn't want to pull my IV out.  I was crying and yelling that I couldn't do this.  I begged for an epidural.  Both Paul and Jesyka tried to calm me back down and get me back to my bubble, but for some reason, I couldn't get back to the relaxation from before.  We decided that it was, in fact, time for an epidural.
I told the doctor that I was worried about not feeling what my body wanted me to do, which is partially what I blame for my previous c-section.  This is when I learned that I could get an epidural, but with a low dose, which should be just enough to take the edge off.  So, the anesthesiologist came in, and, since it was considered a surgical procedure, my team had to leave.  He told me that, no matter what, I have to hold still while he's placing it.  Keep in mind that my contractions were 3 minutes apart, lasting a minute each.  And, placing it took what I estimate to be 10 minutes after he put the needle in my back.  And, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, which was what had caused my pained panic leading to the epidural.  Thankfully, I had an amazing nurse.  She stood in front of me, and as soon as the first contraction hit, about 3 seconds after the needle went in my back, she gained the title of "Best nurse ever".  I grabbed her by the scrubs on both sides of her waist, and buried my face into her stomach.  She talked me through it.  The same happened for two more contractions, until my epi was set and I could lay back down.
As soon as the pain was gone, I fell asleep for a few hours.  I was the most glorious sleep that I had ever gotten!!!  And, when I woke up, Paul's mom had joined the crew.  Everything was much easier now.  I still concentrated on my contractions, but I was able to have conversations.
Lauren was still at work, texting us keeping us up to date on when she could leave. She was able to convince someone to cover for her, but not until 1:00pm.  By now, it was around 12pm, and I was so happy that she was going to be there for the birth of my son.
12:30pm rolled around, and the doctor came in.  I was 10 cm, but the baby wasn't ready JUST yet.  I was told to prepare myself to push within the next hour.
12:50pm, and the doctor wanted to have me try a few "practice pushes" to see if the baby was ready.  I could feel my body pushing my son down, but I knew that it wasn't time just yet, so I asked to wait another 20 minutes.  Each contraction, I had the urge to bear down, but not yet push, so I did just that.  Each time, I could feel him getting lower and lower.
When the doctor came back in at about 1:10pm, she asked me if I felt like it was time to push.  I waited until the next contraction, bore down, and I definitely had the urge to push.  It was time!  She went over exactly how to push for the best result.  She teased me after my first contraction, when I started pushing.  I would push 3 times during each contraction, and the first push was strong, but the other two were pitiful.  I was trying to figure out exactly how to get all three in, since its impossible to breath during a push.
After that, I did much better.  I could feel his head.  Two contractions and I felt his head pop out.  And, one more contractions and I was the mommy of a little baby boy!!! 6lbs, 13oz and 19 inches long.  At first, Paul looked terrified, his face was white as a ghost, but I later learned that it was because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, and the baby didn't cry immediately.  He was terrified.  But, baby boy was happy and healthy.  And absolutely beautiful.
And wouldn't you know, about 2 minutes after my son came into this world, Lauren walked in.

Welcome to the world, Gabriel Anthony.
Here is Gabe meeting his daddy 

Meeting my son 

Alex meets her brand new little brother

Friday, March 14, 2014

UPDATE: Number 2 on the way!!!

It's been a rocky path this year.  After losing my mom to lung cancer, I thought that nothing was going to get better.  But, a month and a half later, I learned that I was pregnant.  At first, I was terrified, since it was not planned, and I didn't have my mom there to help me like I did with Alex.  But then, I got some of the craziest news.  My baby was conceived just days before I lost my mom.  That alone was a sign.

So, with my first, I planned to have a natural child birth.  Unfortunately, that didn't go as planned, due to my lack of research and resources.  But this time, I have a doula (which I didn't know about my first time around), and have done lots of research on The Bradley Method and natural pain management techniques.  And I still have 5 months to go, so there is lots more research to do!

If anyone has any advice on different childbirth methods, please leave a message in the comments section.  I would love to hear what others what to say, and about other women's experiences.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kid's Snack- Dessert Nachos!

What you need-
Flour tortillas, any size
Chocolate syrup
Cinnamon /sugar mixture

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Cut tortillas in whatever shapes you like.  We did hearts.
2. Lightly coat each of the chips with Pam cooking spray.  Bake for 10-15 mins.
3. While the chips are cooking, take your bananas and strawberries and slice them up. 
4. Prepare your plate with a drizzle of the chocolate syrup.  Add about half of the bananas and strawberries on top of the chocolate.
5.  When the chips are crispy, take them out and VERY lightly spray with more Pam.  I am serious when I say just VERY lightly.  Sprinkle with the cinnamon and sugar mix.
6. Put the chips on top of the strawberries and bananas, then top off with the remaining strawberries and bananas.  As a delicious finish to the dish, drizzle with more chocolate syrup.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Natural Cold Remedy

Let me start by saying that I am not a doctor, and have no medical training.  But, I heard of this bath while talking to some friends, and a few weeks later, after getting sick, decided to give it a try.  I'm not sure if it was the bath itself, or a placebo affect, but it seemed to do a pretty good job.  If you are pregnant or have any health concerns, consult a physician before trying this.

1. Run a hot bath. It opens pores and prepares body for cleansing.
2. Add three pints of hydrogen peroxide (3%). This oxygenates the body and helps purge toxins. It’s also antibacterial and antiviral.
3. Add two ounces of ground ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory that increases blood circulation and helps promote the elimination of toxins through sweat.
4. Soak for about 30 minutes.
5. Drink lots of water; You need to replenish what’s being pulled out of your system.

Within 5 minutes of soaking in the tub, my body felt like it had turned into a faucet. Sweat started pouring down my face and out of every pore. Afterward, I drank two large glasses of water and crawled into bed. I slept like a baby that night, and to my surprise, woke up feeling more energetic and less achy than the day before. Miraculous! I only need that one soak to feel vastly better, but my aunt suggests repeating the bath for up to three days if symptoms persist.

Friday, December 14, 2012

What do you do when your kid is the bully?


The Story:
As my daughter got older, and time for kindergarten got closer, I began preparing her for dealing with the kids at school.  Kids can be cruel, so I made sure that she knew that she was beautiful, smart, etc.  I warned her that maybe all the kids at school wouldn't be nice to her, and how to handle it.

One thing that I wasn't prepared for happened while I was at work.  I got a phone call, and when I took the call, the woman identified herself as a guidance counselor  at my daughter's school.  My body shook, as I was worried at first that something had happened to her.  But my blood ran cold when the woman on the other line continued.  "I have Alex with me, and there was an incident at recess today."  She continued to tell me that Alex got in a fist fight with another girl in her school.  My blood boiled as I talked, and afterwards, I had to excuse myself from my work and step outside.  

I didn't know how to react, or handle the situation.  I knew that my daughter wasn't a perfect angel (she's 5, and all parents know how 5-year-olds can be), but I didn't expect such a big situation.  So, with the punishment given at school- 3 days of recess detention, and her punishment at home- loss of t.v. for the next 2 days, and no use of the family computer or her handheld gaming device, I thought I had sent the message.  We also had several very long discussions on why it was bad to act like that, and alternative ways to deal with her anger.  The next day at school, she apologized to her teacher, and gave the other kid an apologetic card that she made.  I thought she had learned her lesson.

Two days later, I got another phone call.  I immediately recognized the phone number as the school, and was shocked when I answered and once again informed that my child started another fight.  I immediately took every toy, toy box, doll house, and game out of her room and up to the attic.  She also lost t.v. until she goes to school for an entire week without getting so much as a warning.  She was in shock when she got home and discovered that her room was empty, aside from her bed and dresser.

I'm not sure what the next step will be if it happens again, but I'm hoping that this extreme punishment will teach her exactly how bad this behavior is.

The Lesson:
-Keep communications open.  I have discussed this behavior with everyone that has an administrative role in her life.  I have exchanged several emails with her teacher(also learning that she has been having other issues in class), and I have talked extensively with my mother and boyfriend, who care for her in the mornings and after school on days that I work.  I am very pleased with the help that I am getting from the school, as well as her other caregivers.

-Don't be afraid to be extreme.  The first time that she got violent at school, I had fiddled with the idea of the more extreme punishment, but decided against it.  I regret that decision.  Now I wonder that if I would have been more extreme the first time, that perhaps the second incident wouldn't have happened.  The severity of violence is too high for a lenient punishment.

-Listen, listen, listen.  Even if it is your child's fault that there was a fight, listen to their side of the story.  And listen closely, because the simplest phrases can lead to finding the reason for the behavior.

-Talk.  Discuss what circumstances they can face if it happens again- from you, from the school, and from their peers. 

-Put them in the other children's shoes.  Alex really responded to me asking her how she would feel if someone else did to her what she did to the other children.  I made her realize that the other children were not only hurt physically, but they were hurt emotionally.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Craft- Reindeer Headband

Reindeer Headband:
      What you need- Brown construction paper
                             - Scissors
                             - Google eyes
                             - Red pom poms
                             - Popsicle sticks
                             - Glue
                             - markers
      What you do-  Cut out the "headband" from brown construction paper.  Make sure its about 4ish inches wide, and long enough to fit around your child's head, but tight enough to stay in place, taking consideration for the inch or two to glue together.  Glue on the eyes, a red pom pom for a nose, and draw on a little smiley face.  Glue the ends of the headband together and fasten with a paperclip to dry.  While it's drying, trace your child's hand on the brown construction paper and cut them out.  These are the antlers.  Glue them to popsicle sticks, leaving a few inches of the stick to glue to the headband.  Let everything dry before gluing the popsicle sticks/antlers to the headband.  Hold the sticks in place until they are dry.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Decorated Goodies!!!

                 Bake cupcakes.  Add a bunch of icing, a marshmallow on top and decorate with icing.

Dip pretzel sticks in candy melts or chocolate, and use your imagination to decorate however you want.  Nuts, sprinkles, M&Ms, coconut, and Andes peppermint pieces all work and taste great!

Rice Crispy Treat Ornament.  Just Decorate with icing, stick red and green M&Ms on with icing, a marshmallow and string of licorice on top, and that's all there is to it.

Santa Strawberries.  Cut the tops and bottoms off, fill and decorate with icing and put the bottoms back on.  A slightly more healthy Christmas snack.

Snowman Donuts.  decorate with black frosting, and i like to use candy corn for the nose 

Nutter Butter Reindeer.  Put the pretzel antlers into the peanut butter in between the two cookies, dip in chocolate and decorate with a red M&M and icing.